House trip

By the way, take a good look at Emma’s small hat, because these are the last photos ever to be taken of that hat…
This web log covers our move from Eindhoven, The Netherlands, to Christchurch, New Zealand. After a long process with the NZ Immigration Service we have finally received our Residence Permit. This web log does not cover that process; it starts with the actual move and describes the funny adventures we have encountered and still encounter during our move to New Zealand.
The ship that is carrying our furniture has finally arrived at the port of Christchurch after a journey of two months. I will surely be glad to be able to lay my hands on our own desktop computer again. Our 300 MHz laptop can be switched on, but that’s all there is to say about the thing. It takes a whopping 8 minutes to start it up – I kid you not. Oh well, a slow laptop is better than no computer at all, and we have gratefully used it for the past two months, to maintain this blog, for example :-)
Sales still are pretty hot over here, especially in Ashburton. For some time we had been looking for a mobile phone for Emma. She had left hers in NL. A few years ago it still was a bit poshy walking around with a mobile, now it has become such an essential part of our lives that each of us should have at least one. Therefore we already had been looking for a while.
Cold cold cold cold cold!!!!! We do not seem to be able to get used to the NZ building style. In NL, almost every house has insulated double brick walls, double glazing and central heating. Here, almost every house has a wooden frame with thin walls attached to them, very thin insulation (if any) and single glazing. No central heating either, because gas is not available here. Just an electric heater here and there. The single electric heater in our student room is attached to a timer of 15 minutes, after which it shuts off automatically. When the temperature outside equals 13 degrees Celsius (which it did yesterday, and today as well), the temperature inside is not much higher. To think that we didn’t even had to go through winter here yet… I know, we are wusses like you wouldn’t believe, but it surely needs a big portion of adaptation for us. Maybe next year we will be hardened. Well, if we don’t hop into bed with the electric blanket on all the time, that is…
One moment no one seems to want you, the next one they are standing in line...
Sunday night. We didn’t feel like cooking so we went out looking for a cosy restaurant in which our appetite could be satisfied in a not too expensive way. We ended up at the doorstep of restaurant Denny’s, of which you could compare the meals to a Dutch motorway restaurant. However, I was not really in the mood for steak and fries, so we extended our search a bit further.
Last Monday we went to ChCh again and while we were looking for houses we came across a very nice one. In order to be eligible for the house, we had to make a rental offer on it. A rental offer is binding, and as a result you cannot make any other offer on another house when the offer is made, because if both landlords take your offer, you have to rent both houses.
The interview with Designline was very positive. They would have liked to hire me, if they would have had any work for me to do :-) So that job offer went south. I also had another interview in Christchurch, however that too didn’t get me to the next step. We are starting to get pretty fed up with driving from Ashburton to Christchurch all the time, so we have begun to spend some more time looking for houses there.