A MEGA mushroom

This web log covers our move from Eindhoven, The Netherlands, to Christchurch, New Zealand. After a long process with the NZ Immigration Service we have finally received our Residence Permit. This web log does not cover that process; it starts with the actual move and describes the funny adventures we have encountered and still encounter during our move to New Zealand.
Boxing day is a nice day off work for most people. So how to spend that well-earned free time? Go
It is hard to keep hopes up when one company after another turns you down. One company doesn’t want me because I have done too much software to be a hardware guy, the next doesn’t want me because I have done too much hardware to be a software guy. Or they don’t want me because I don’t have enough experience with just that one software package that they are using. Or even though I do have experience exactly with what they want, for example being an IT help desk employee serving 20 people, I don’t have the experience doing the same thing for 100 people (which happens to be the size of their user base). In the unlikely case that I even have passed all technical tests they want, I fail to answer a trick question about my character. And even when I pass that test too, and they really seem to want me, the branch in question suddenly is not allowed to hire new staff anymore for 6 months. Aaaargh!!! The job of looking for a job is not an easy one, as many fellow job hunters probably will confirm :-)
For two weeks now I have been playing non-stop every Christmas CD I could lay my hands on, yet the Christmas Spirit cannot really get a hold of me. As a Dutch guy I am used to celebrating Christmas during the wintertime, with dark days, many Christmas lights, hot cocoa and green pea soup. Over here it is mid-summer now. December 21 is the longest day of the year. When I wake up at 6:30 AM the morning hasn’t just broken, it has completely eroded. Going to bed the darkness has fallen for a staggering 15 minutes already. Trying to use Candles and lights to lift up the spirit is therefore just plain ridiculous, you can hardly see if they are lit at all.
A single room is nice ‘n cheap, but sharing a house with flatmates… One moment you’re having a great time together, the next you’re wishing you‘d have a house for yourself. So we started looking again.
The weather in NZ is described by some as “four seasons in one day”. Well, they are correct. If one day the temperature is 27C/80F, the next it can easily be 11C/52F. Over here it is supposed to be summer in December, but I haven’t seen any of it yet :-)
At the exit of Christmas In The Park we were given a flyer with an overview of upcoming events, called “be there”. Showing up on these events is good for our integration, because that way we learn what’s going on over here. On 3 December the Santa Parade was going to take place. The Santa parade was supposed to be “without doubt the biggest and most successful annual event of the NZ South Island – BE THERE!!!”. Well, that ad surely looked promising, so we went and had a look.