Monday, December 01, 2008


Hi all,

Welcome to this web log that we are writing for our friends to keep them up to date with our stories.

If this is the first time you look at a web log: a web log is an on-line diary where the last message is on top. This web log has already quite a few messages, so not everything is present on the main page anymore. If you want to start at the beginning, look at the right hand side for the archives and choose the month of which you want to read the messages. This web log has been started on August 2006.

You can comment to every single message if you want to. Click on the "Comments" link of the message you want to react to. On the page that shows up, you can read all comments to the message, and you can enter a comment yourself. As the sender, choose for "Other" instead of "Anonymous": you can then enter a name without having to give your email address.

Have fun!