We're halfway through!
This message has been written in Singapore :-)

A few minutes past 8 AM we arrived at Schiphol and to our surprise we could walk straight through to the check-in counter. There was not a single soul standing in front of us! That has never happened to me before in my life, and neither to Emma. We hadn’t secured the zippers on our suitcases yet, because normally we always do that while we are waiting in line for the check-in. This time the lady behind the counter had to wait for us, instead of the other way around. Hah! Sweet revenge at last ;-)

The plane departed a bit behind schedule but it arrived in Singapore on time without any problems. There were 80 films to choose from!!! Oh wow, never seen that before :-) After arrival in Singapore we went to our day hotel and slept for a while, afterwards we took a stroll through China Town and now we are back at the airport waiting for our flight to depart.
To be continued…

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