Because the container was due to arrive in Ashburton Friday morning at 9:00 AM, I already went there Thursday night to sleep “en famille”. That way I could spend the whole Friday on moving. For this one occasion not having a job came in pretty handy :-)

At 11:30 the MAF officer came to check out our suspect boxes. Everything was in good order, well-cleaned, no problem at all. He was very glad we only brought one box with Christmas decorations. He told us that American migrants usually take twenty bloody boxes of Christmas decorations with them… :-) He gave the movers a compliment that they really knew how to comply with the rules, everything placed on plastic and all. Yeah right… ;-)
I must say it was a strange experience to see our own belongings here in NZ. We have lived here without them for the last two months and we didn’t really miss them that much, actually. Our furniture doesn’t belong with my NZ experience; it belongs to my memories of NL. My brain had some difficulty flipping that switch. Nevertheless I am very happy to have our own computer, my guitar, the DVD/CD player and some extra clothes and books handy again. Emma is very happy to be reunited with her sandals and her own tailor-made pillow. The rest will remain in the garage for now, because to put it all into our one room in Christchurch would cram up the place, kinda… :-)

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