The keys have arrived
The problem of having no keys to the garage is solved. Remember that I wasn’t able to reach our property rent shop because they absolutely refused to call us back? Well, 5 weeks had passed since then and I still didn’t have the keys to the garage. So I called again. Again the agent was busy on the phone talking to someone else, and again I was offered to leave a voicemail. Just not to be called back? No thank you.
I was leaning towards writing them a spicy letter about this, but over here it is wise to only do that as a very last resort. Keeping the relationship good is very important here, becoming angry or taking legal steps just gets you nowhere. Not in the long run, anyway. So before I wrote the letter I went and paid them a personal visit.
They seemed to be very glad to see me. So, how is it going? Do you like living in the house? Nice spot, yes indeed! Oh you needed the keys to the garage didn’t you? Yes we’ve had them lying here for four weeks already. Here you are. Do you need some extra keys of the front door, we found those too (no thank you, we already had enough copies made ourselves). Voice mail? Well, no, not that I know of… ????!!!!! OK, let’s just say their telephone switchboard is broken very badly ;-)
Kiwis are not really telephone people. Emma notices that on the job too. When a customer calls them with a request, and after some searching they are not able to fulfil that request, Emma is blandly being told “don’t call back”. It is not a matter of forgetting to call back, it is a matter of choosing not to. Customer service apparently does not include calling someone.
If you want to get anything done over here you have to keep on calling yourself, and when that doesn’t work, pay a visit in person, several times if you have to. For some reason they only help you when you are actually standing next to them, otherwise you are simply being ignored. Oh well, we have the keys to the garage now, which was the whole point of the exercise :-)
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